4 قراءة دقيقة
Seabird Indian Ocean Automatic multi-tasking control -Author , Mohammed Humran
Entry CategoryMaritme technical, security and guard marine 
Abstract of Invention (Maximum of 100 words | Font: Arial, 10pt)It is called the Indian Ocean Gull, which is derived from the famous name of the Arctic Tern and the famous seabird that migrates in the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Tern. These birds are famous for their incredible annual journeys from the North Pole to the South Pole and back again, covering the longest known migratory distance of any animal on Earth. The development of marine technologies and remote control systems in Turkish and American aircraft, which were designed for the MQ model and the automated flight system called the Marine Biosphere Guardian, was taken advantage of to enable it to fly over the horizon for more than 40 hours, resist various weather changes in the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, and achieve integration with Naval structures in the exclusive maritime economic zone, which constitute a mechanism to achieve overflight so as not to violate the sovereignty of coastal states that are not members of the modern Regional Maritime Security Council, and thus contribute to enabling the joint Yemeni, Arab and regional forces and the civil authorities of the coastal states to achieve communication, control and collect multiple maritime data in various circumstances. And the time is night and day. The automated flight of the tern can achieve many scientific, tactical, and security tasks, purposes, and activities in monitoring, conducting patrols, and achieving maritime reconnaissance, and by integrating its work with a number of structures above the surface of the sea, the air, the coast, and under the sea.  By integrating its system with several naval technologies such as LEADER, several wide-range naval radars in the center line, automatic identification system (AIS) and automatic identification airspace over exclusive maritime economic waters shown in the map, electronic support and a set of naval anti-submarine security tasks ( ASW) is self-contained, and thus multi-tasking and multi-purpose to achieve the tasks of surveillance, reconnaissance, and information gathering combined with the most advanced (ISR), which allows search and surveillance in various dimensions.
Award Winning History (Previous awards & achievements)I warded may corticates and goldarn, silver medals at many international conferences and events around the world
Intellectual Property Status (Current IP rights and protection)Patented[      ]Patent Pending/Registered[      ]
Not Patented[  *    ]Design/Utility Model/Other[      ]

Entry Fee Payment MethodBank Transfer[      ]Online Card Payment (PayPal)[      ]
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OVERALL SUMMARY OF INVENTION/PROJECTTUOAA -working group and regional maritime innovations aim to develop the work and performance of unmanned aviation in a way that is compatible with work, service, and maritime activities with multiple maritime geostrategic missions that suit the characteristics of the natural marine environment and topography in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region. These standards can be developed to work in a maritime surveillance environment. Semi-closed and open sea areas in the Indian Ocean amounting to 17 million km2, in the sea points established by the study to cover a distance of 2000 m in length and 200 nautical miles in width, through the development of the MQ-9A aircraft engine, which is powered by a Honeywell TPE331-10 engine, which is a proven turbine engine. In the fuselage, it operates technically and integrated with Digital Electronic Engine Control (DEEC), which significantly improves engine performance and fuel efficiency in the sea surface and maritime theater of the study area. The aircraft is highly modular and is easily configured with a variety of technical payloads. Modern navy to achieve the requirements of the study in terms of low costs and speed in monitoring and collecting data, measuring marine bathymetry, monitoring various marine activities and recording them in building a database to contribute to achieving the mission requirements. The modern individual features of the MQ-9A, in its ability to carry devices, systems, mechanisms and programs for multiple service, security, information and maritime surveillance tasks, as well as carrying out tasks for maritime security protection in accordance with maritime laws in exclusive maritime economic waters, and the maritime safety laws of the International Hydrographic Organization for the year 2024 AD, have been developed. On the previous model, which carries electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) systems, Lynx® multi-mode radar, multi-mode maritime surveillance radar, electronic support measures (ESM), laser designators, and various weapons and payload packages, the upgrades focus on providing the aircraft with a Electromagnetic is adapted and friendly to the marine environment. It contributes to monitoring and collecting maritime information and data at multiple levels - air, surface, and underwater. It differs from the sonar system, infrared rays, and technical marine measurement systems sent by warships, anti-military aircraft, and surveillance of naval submarines. It is consistent with the maritime safety system. Issued by the Marine Hydrographic Organization, which does not affect fish, marine life, gathering areas, or growth of marine life, and which is consistent with the coordinates and information of the modern Yemeni Arab and Regional Marine Center.
KEY INNOVATIVE FEATURES AND CHARACTERISTICSOne of the modern features of the aircraft is that it started from the theory of unification, integration, and interface of leadership and management of innovations for modern marine technology in three dimensions, scope, level, and effectiveness in performance. The modern drone was designed for the purpose of multitasking in marine technological and scientific activities and services that are friendly to the protection, defense, and development of the marine environment in the three-dimensional blue economy. Dimensions and multi-sectors, marine, social, economic and environmental activities and services, capable of working for more than 50 hours and within a horizontal and vertical distance in a horizontal line reaching about 2000 m, and capable of monitoring, monitoring, collecting information, measuring and carrying out tasks across a cross area of about 200 miles, minus a distance of 24 miles contiguous area. The territorial sea area is about 12 nautical miles.  Which reaches 36 nautical miles and is considered absolutely sovereign waters for the coastal state, and thus the monitoring area surveyed by operations is called and the legal distance permitted in the exclusive maritime economic zone according to the program and project of the modern Yemeni, Arab and regional maritime center, and the monitoring distance was determined from outside the territorial sea and for multiple distances. Multiple exposure from outside the economic zone, but within the economic zone, about 200 miles (36 nautical miles), and for a working distance of 50 hours
EFFECT AND CONTRIBUTIONThe innovation aims to develop accurate and up-to-date scientific production and marine scientific data and carry out multiple activities and tasks. Perform multi-mission missions for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) above land, on the sea surface and above sea. Below sea level, including collecting information and data. It is modern new system to limit the effects of foreign military activations at EEZ. In red sea and Indian ocean, as well as observer smuggler, ship that affected marine environment t, observe ship during navigations, as well as has ability to collected marine dates that serve and make new investment and development at blue economy at area and enhance marine security.
COMMERCIALIZATION AND FUTURE POTENTIALSTUOAA -working group is actively exploring and investing in new drone technologies to expand its capabilities across the board. Some areas of focus include the following: Smaller, more portable drones: These drones can be easily deployed by small units for tactical reconnaissance and surveillance. Autonomous drones: These drones can operate without direct human control, allowing them to perform missions in hazardous environments. Drone Swarm: These drones can work together in coordinated groups to overcome enemy defenses or collect intelligence over large areas. In summary: While the Yemeni new technical and automatics, unmanned system for multi purposes for observing, collecting data’s, measuring bathymetry under eater, and collecting clear images at sea, it remains TUOAA focus in 2024, there is a clear push toward developing a more diverse fleet of unmanned systems capable of operating across multiple domains. These developments will likely shape the future of TUOAA working group operations and enhance its capabilities in various environment